Getting Better Week 9
Everybody stay awesome!I think that's all for this week everyone. In parting, I guess I just want to say how much I miss all of you, but how grateful I am to be here and for every single experience I'm having. I'm so grateful for how much I'm learning and growing as a person each day, and I'm thankful to be a servant of the Lord.I was also present for a truly historic event - I saw a primary program with no screaming kids, and they were all singing. And they were really good! Tahitians love singing, everybody does it, and as a result, even a seven year old (with a seriously swagging suit) can get up there and give a solo. That was lots of fun to see.I'm also growing more confident in my French, especially this night we ate at the executive secretary's house. It was honestly easy to understand and to talk for that whole meal. It was highly reassuring.I was able to get to one lesson though. We taught this really old couple who only spoke Tahitian (luckily their daugther was there to translate for us) about repentance. It was cool because I was able to contribute way more than I thought I'd be able to. We were using the Gospel of Jesus Christ pamphlet to help us teach, and I remembered a box of text from there that I read in the MTC that was super powerful, so I was able to share that. And I knew the first verse of Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief in Tahitian from the MTC, so we were able to sing that with them at the end of our lesson. It was way cool.Hey everyone.Not a whole ton to report this week. I've still been recovering. Bronchitis is gone, but I've still got a bit of infection in my lungs. That's going away super quickly though thanks to this shot I've been getting each day... in the waste/butt. Ugh. Classy.
PS: I never thought I'd hear the likes of Strangers Like Me (Tarzan), Be a Man (Mulan), Let It Go (Frozen), and Under the Sea (The Little Mermaid) in French, but I have now had the... um, "pleasure" of hearing all those. Multiple times.
pictures:-in the city from when I had to go and get my x-ray (without a lead blanket by the way...)-a picture of a sunset that actually looks like how the sunset did in real life-my lungs. It's a little blurry. The smoky stuff is all the liquid and infection
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