"When your Stake Comes in Clutch"--Week 78

After a rather standard week last week, this week was really awesome and eventful.

Monday - Elders from Pare and Papeete 2 (Tekurio!) came just for fun and we hung out with them.

Tuesday - had a multi-zone conference and then got to go to the temple. We slept over there and everything. We got to take the ferry over, and whilst there, this member lady invited us up into the cockpit. The guy driving the boat knew Elder Jordan's dad from back on Takaroa. The conference was really good. We talked about the Book of Mormon and how to better engage people. The ice cream of all ice creams made it's return from Nuku Hiva at lunch time (Hokey Pokey!) and then we did interviews with President Bize. That night at the temple was perhaps the best I've ever had. It was good to be there with the crew. It was the first time Davis had gone in a year (because of serving in the islands). Then we went and slept at Pare's house. Wheelies were popped, hairs were cut. "Oh what a night."

Wednesday - took the ferry back, ate my favorite Spanish pastry for breakfast. Did a good day's work, and then went and did our sport activity like every Wednesday. This family from America (a man and his two sons) that we had met at the sport activity a couple weeks ago came back today and we got to talk to them for a bit. They were actually here on Moorea to meet up with some family. The dad is actually a very religious guy, and well-read. It was very cool to hear his perspective, and he told us some very encouraging things, honestly. He talked about how much respect he had for Elder Jordan and I and how what we are doing is super admirable and things like that. Really cool guy. Intend to keep in touch with him.

Thursday - had to go drop off Elder Sylvestre in Paopao for a split, and then had a huge day of work and a coordination meeting that no one showed up to. Really busy and kind of jacked up our kilometers for the month (we only have so many, but since we're the only car for the island and there are six missionaries, we have trouble staying under our monthly limit sometimes). Well, not so much this day as Friday...

Friday - We basically drove the equivalent of three times around the island. Lots of nonsense. Had to get Sylvestre from Paopao (all the way to the other side of the island and then back x1), dropped him off at the docks and grabbed our zone leader, Elder Temanaha-Moo (split don't you know), drove back out to Paopao for the district meeting (x2), went and did a bunch of lessons, then had to go back out to Paopao for this stake coordination thing (x3). Our stake leaders came down for a conference this weekend and we took this occasion to talk with all the ward mission people.

Saturday - hit the pavement with our stake leaders and went and did some reactivation and investigator work. The guy I went with, Brother Varney, one of the counselors, scored us a bunch of new investigators. Super cool, but killed our kilometers some more.

Sunday - had our stake conference and a huge meal afterwards. It was a good time. Brother Varney gave a killer talk, and he actually spoke about what I've dubbed my theme for the week:


The subject came up when I was in the temple, and then Brother Varney just summed it all up and voiced my thoughts. He talked about how he and his wife weren't supposed to be able to have kids, and how they now have 9 children, and he talked about a classic story of this girl needing more money and having exercised faith and having put the Lord first and whatnot and then having more money in her pocket right when she needed it and all, but the perspective he took on it was super cool. He said, "Now wait, think about this, this makes no sense. She just HAD more money in her pocket all of a sudden? God certainly isn't magic, so how did this happen? Maybe somebody slipped money in her pocket or something, I don't know. But it certainly happened. And it was God that did it."

And now, O all ye that have imagined up unto yourselves a god who can do no miracles, I would ask of you, have all these things passed, of which I have spoken? Has the end come yet? Behold I say unto you, Nay; and God has not ceased to be a God of miracles.

Mormon 9:15


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