Crazy Roosters and Belgians in the Congo--Week 97

This week was both long and short at the same time. I can't believe it's already pday again, but at the same time, we had so many cancelled lessons this week and I was sick so it kind of drug on.

Best parts were definitely Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.

Wednesday I did my last interview with President Bize, which was a wholly touching affair that left me quite nostalgic. He told me a lot of nice things, which were honestly answers to my prayers, and made me feel like I wasn't a total failure on this mission. Even got a hug.

Friday the zone leaders announced that apparently our stake wants to do a missionary choir as well, so as soon as one ends the other will start. Super random. We found out about it that very day and had the first rehearsal that evening. It was just fun to go back to the Taravao chapel again, and I even ran into Kevin Brej! The last time we saw each other I was 18 and he was 19, and now we're both in our 20s. Unprecedented.

Sunday we did a concert in Punauuia (arguably one of the best stakes), and President and Soeur Bize said their goodbyes. It's their last missionary concert, which is quite fitting considering their first evening in Tahiti was at the missionary concert of Punauuia those three years ago. Again, very nostalgic. Craziest part was when we called up all the returned missionaries who served under President Bize up to sing God Be With You Till We Meet Again with us. Not only were a lot of Tahitians there, but don't worry Soeur LAWRENCE and Soeur SHARIATMADARI both just HAPPENED to be there! It was insane! I talked to Lawrence's parents too and got to hear some news about Chris Lofing and Travis Cluff (the directors of The Gallows that her parents know personally). Apparently Lawrence's dad was supposed to play the dad in The Gallows originally. Who knew?

So that was my week. Hopefully we'll be getting a baptism fixed this week (Nuohei is really progressing. We're hoping to fix a date).

-Elder Harrah

-bande de fetches
-Desperation by ELO


-rehearsal for the other concert
-the sexy squad


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