Week 2 email

Hello everyone!

I'm still alive. Fancy that. This second week has been infinitely better than the first (not that the first was bad). We've all found our groove and now we can just go.

Things have been just dandy. We've started teaching two new investigators, each one a unique and different set of circumstances than our first. The one has been taking lessons from the missionaries before but just hasn't gotten anywhere, and the other is Chinese, thus meaning that he grew up in a society that tells you from day one that there is no God and you're on your own. We committed the former to baptism in our very first lesson, and we got the latter to pray at the end of our lesson for his very first time! It was really incredible. Thank heaven for the Spirit being in our lessons.

We get to go to the temple every p-day, and that is a real blessing as well. You can really clear your head in there, and of course being that close to our Heavenly Father is one of the greatest comforts I could possibly receive.

Not a whole ton of new stuff to report besides that. Now that we're in our groove it all just feels commonplace.

I grow closer and closer with my district every day. We've all got each other's backs to no end, and we take good care of each other. They really are my family, and thank goodness for them. I cannot imagine anybody else I would want to spend 12 hours in a classroom with. Every one of them makes it awesome in their own way (we decided that all 12 of us together would make up the ultimate superhuman mind because we all contribute something different than the last), and we all make it spectacular with our incredible spirit and our desire to work and learn.

It's really an amazing thing we're doing here. One of the kids in our district's dad said that you can see a miracle every day in the MTC, and I have a firm testimony of that. I really have seen it, even if it's just in little ways. They're all around me, and I thank the Lord for continually blessing me so much and in so many different ways.

I love you all, and I still can't wait to get to Tahiti.

Elder Harrah


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