Week 4 and some Pictures!

P-Day 4 everybody. Still going strong.

Things are really kind of the same around here. I don't have a whole ton to report. Honestly, I'm just kind of in a perpetual state of good like all the time. Apart from missing people, every day is full of magnificence and progress in no small amounts. That being said though, I am incredibly impatient for Tahiti. I need to get out and get moving. I'm getting antsy. And I daresay the MTC food is taking its toll (meaning it's getting old, not that I'm getting fat. Actually lost a spot of weight, as a matter of fact).

Our district grows closer together and more like a family every day, and we all learn and grow so much each day. We're all making great progress with our current investigators, and are gaining so much experience.

It's cool being the veterans of the MTC, and tripping out the n00bies with all the dumb MTC games we know (Snaps, Airplane, and Black Magic). People are especially impressed by my skills at the Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

The other night I was being interviewed with one of my teachers, and it was really amazing the sort of spiritual awakening I had. That makes it sound a bit overly dramatic. Perhaps not the best way to phrase it. I'm not sure how else to say it though. Suffice to say I was reassured of my personal purpose and reinvigorated to keep striving and working hard.

I think the best way to sum it all up is that I'm still doing just great, and life's still rolling.

Best wishes to all until next week :)

Elder Harrah

P.S. - I forgot to mention two more members of district in last week's email. Oops.

Elder Dalton is from Chicago, and is honestly me from another life if I was a musician instead of a filmmaker. He's got some good frames I'm a bit envious of.

Elder Cichos is the one kid in our district not going to Tahiti. He's going to Montreal. He's super nice, and has a $2000 watch.



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