Another Week in the Matrix-Week 23

Ka oha nui again everyone, from The Marquesas - the land where it's been raining all week and we've had not a whole ton of work.

Lessons have been cancelled, contacts have not showed up, and it's been an all-around mess. And as the islanders get lazy, so do we. It totally saps our motivation and drive, and we don't go for as much because there's nothing to go for. The two are connected and it makes me mad.

A quick miracle this week was an open window in our house when we locked the keys in there. And on a Sunday no less right when we were leaving for church and needed the keys for the office. In the words of the Jehovah's Witness pamphlets - "au hasard ou conception?" (I think that one translates itself)

One of the few lessons we did have was incredibly cool though. One of our investigators from last week that Bize magically fixed is now basically set for baptism. All we had to do was change our teaching style as Bize suggested and he engaged himself. It was Inception. The very first lesson we brought a Bible Video to (as he's very clearly a visual learner), and one of his sentences begins with, "So when I get baptized..." it was very cool. And we're thinking that his wife will soon follow.

Another good thing that happened this week was a world-wide missionary training broadcast featuring the likes of Neil L. Andersen, David A. Bednar, and Dallin H. Oaks. Normally when missionary work gets talked about it's rather general, but this broadcast was awesomely specific and was full of great techniques we can actually use and apply in our lessons. I especially liked when David A. Bednar talked about the Holy Ghost's role in conversion. He did it in a smaller room and asked specific missionaries questions, and that format really lent itself to the topic, as opposed to just talking to a gigantic room.

Apart from that, I don't have a lot of other significant events to talk about. So instead, I'm going to talk about my favorite peeps out here on this island.

In the photo below (that is really crappily lit) from left to right are Merryl, Celestine and Tonyo. They're an innactive family that frankly shouldn't be innactive. They truly are still members. When we watched Meet the Mormons with them for a Family Home Evening, and the one guy said something about Mormons being racist, Merryl said,"What? We're not racist!" and they've still got a picture of the temple in their house and everything.

And to add to that, Celestine asked us to fast with her this week! She said that the Lord has constantly put "two angels" in her life and she said she needed to recognize that. She wants to fast on Saturday, from breakfast to breakfast, and she intends for us all to eat together because we're tight like that, so I suggested that after breakfast on Sunday when we break the fast that we should all go to church. She kind of laughed at my tenacity, and then said, "Well, we'll see." Here's hoping. Her visiting teacher engaged her to it as well,

It's a really cool environment at there house. It's just good vibes. After a really long Sunday of, to quote Battleship, "boobish behavior" on the part of our members, it was nice to go over to their place and relax and share a chill message with them. Celestine is an artist and graphic designer, so the house is always full of clothes with cool designs on them, and the walls are painted with her unique symbols and stuff. She is the funniest and sweetest lady of all time. We got on the subject of paranormal nonsense the other day and she was talking about this one lady she talked to who was a card reader, and to fully illustrate this lady, Celestine grabbed a random bandana and put it on her head like that (photo #2, also poorly lit). She's fun to be around. All three of them man.

Hoping everyone is well and this change in letters broke up the monotony a little,
Elder Harrah

-bonus photo - this is our chapel without all the chairs set up (the only chair there is the one I was sitting in. Also those are my shoes)
-bonus photo - we ate a lot of goat this week. this one is on a spit


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