Most Boring Week I've Ever Written About-- Week 64

You guys I have next to nothing to say.

Tuesday - We worked. That was it.

Wednesday - I was supposed to take a driving test to certify me for driving manual, but it didn't happen. The guy just never showed up. I'll be doing that this week.

Thursday - Conseil des Dirigeant again! We had a couple new leaders there so we took a new picture. I'll try to get that along as soon as possible. We also had really good pizza.

Friday - Worked a lot on my temple video. Organized a calendar and an actor/scene sheet, and will be going in to talk with President about even more details this Thursday.

Saturday - Decided to tighten up the loose bits of obedience in our companionship...

Sunday - ... and literally fixed two more baptisms!

Church is true, the book is blue... (I won't finish this)

Hope everyone has a good week!
Elder Harrah

we're going to go do a service project now... hope everyone has a good week!

-on Halloween we went to McDonald's 5 times throughout the day. I got their pumpkin pie over and over. That night, there were a bunch of hooligans dressed up in bloody labcoats and gas masks with various sharp weapons

-I forgot to tell this story in my email (I say it was boring and then I remember the things that happened), but my bike wheel has been off, and these guys we always teach on the side of the road (from the most Compton-like neighborhood in all of Tahiti (which just happens to be in our sector)) just decided to fix that for me. They gave me a new wheel, a tire, and checked out my brakes. Only in Tahiti


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