French, Bugs and Baptismal Interviews (Week 12)

Another week has gone by...

We ate dinner with this lady who plays the piano in church, and she just loves to correct the missionaries French. She spent like 5 minutes at minimum explaining and re-explaining this one simple phrase to me and basically saying the same words over and over again. Nailed it.
There have been not one but TWO spiders the size of my Size 10 foot in our house. The first was almost under my man-purse (not cool), and the second was there when I opened the door to take a shower. Ugh. I got a phone call right then from another missionary, so I went to take it, and when I got back, the other Elders had seen fit to light the spider on fire, as opposed to just spraying it with Zig-Zag.
They combined our district and another district into two, and my companion is the district leader! So now we get to do baptismal interviews. We got there early though for our first one, so we played volleyball in the street and shared the gospel with these random kids. It was awesome.
The work goes well. Before we got to this sector, they had one baptism in the last year, and now since we've been here they've had two with one more fixed and we're just getting started! It's way cool. I really feel like I'm making a difference and the work is fulfilling.
Kevin's parents don't like the church, so they kicked him out of the house (he's only 19), but he's living with the Tetaiekura (the members that invited him to the family home evening that we met him at), so all is well. He's making sacrifices and showing his faith and it's really inspiring. I hope one day I can be as strong as he is.
That's all for this week folks. Stay strong and keep the faith.
-why we can't have nice things
-the kids from the family Tetaiekura. they love us and have a really good sense of humor (sparkly fedoras)
-Kevin (aka The MAN)

NOTE from Ty's mom:  I am truly sorry for the nasty spider picture.  I almost didn't post it!

-and me with a flower
-also for the record: the hang loose thing is not just for white people. Everyone does it here. Even old people.


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