Short email, Lots of Pics! (week 11)

Hi Everyone!

Not a whole ton of new stuff this week besides us fixing our first baptism! We fasted for a miracle, and that's what we got, man. His name is Kevin Brej, and he has already received his witness and has come to sacrament meeting and loves everything about the church. He is like the golden investigator, man. He's already to page 27 of the Book of Mormon and we spent Sunday's gospel principles class explaining the Tree of Life vision. He'll be baptized on November 26 (a little ways in the future, but that date has significance for him). It's truly the work of the Lord that we're doing here, and despite my missing everybody so much, I really am thankful to be out here becoming a better person and being a part of this miraculous work.

I think that's all for this week, now here are the pictures!

-our barbecue as a zone. it rained when we were prepping the food...

                                                                                 -the civil marriage
-the baptism
                                                                                 -the decor pt.1

-decore pt.2
                                                                     -literally the best food ever
-the ribbon hat returns! It's traditional the grandma gives the family a new name. It sounded way cool and ceremonial, but really she just yelled a bunch and said "ia orana" like 50 times and sang randomly and I laughed


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