Not A Lot This Week- Week 27

Ka oha nui from The Marquesas - the land where Shakira learned this one crazy dance and Robert Louis Stevenson was inspired for his book Treasure Island.

I don't have a lot to say this week, but I do have this: I gave my very first Priesthood blessing this week. After a really crazy lesson with Louis and Michellin, Louis talked about how his friend (a bishop) gave him a blessing that helped him when he was sick, and I felt like maybe I should offer one. The spirit was so strong in that lesson, it was like I didn't even need to do anything.

As for the blessing - it's rather impossible to describe. One might say it was like I went into a trance or was posessed, but it was obviously not like that at all. I just sort of put my hands on his head, closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then just went, or almost let go, in a way. My mind was totally empty, and yet I was saying things that came to my mind. It was almost like I was sealed away in my own body, like my conscious was wrapped in a container inside my body and I was looking out into my body. I was sealed away, kind of, and my mouth just went. Words came, French came, personal details that I couldn't know came, miracles came. I don't remember anything I said. That probably made it sound really creepy, but it was really one of the most peaceful and spiritual experiences I've ever had.

That's all for this week folks. I hope everyone is well, and I hope I've given you guys something edifying. If not, here's a scripture that I like:

"...denying ungodliness and wordly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world; looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;"
-Titus 2:12-13

Elder Harrah

-termites, or Ender's Game
-let's just say we ran into "two excellent dudes" here in the Marquesas
-no milk? No problem! There's ice cream from like two or more weeks ago in the freezer


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