The Last Days of Elder Poirier- Week 26

Ka oha nui tout le monde from the Marquesas - the land where I haven't gained a single pound.

This week we strengthened the understanding of the Book of Mormon for Catherine, Kelly, and Wendy the Member Reference. It was all really good and honestly strengthened my testimony of this basic facet of the gospel. Also, we engaged Catherine to baptism. As with Denis, we didn't get a no, but we got the wishy-washy Marquesian, "Yes- wait- um... I don't know." But this was after she posed the question, "If I read this Mormon Bible and am interested by the stories, what do I do next?" and then after we talked about praying she was like, "Yeah but what then?" I really think she's been prepared.

In other news, Poirier is being transferred to Papeete to work in the vistor's center for the temple. My new companion, who I just picked up today, is Elder Abbate. He's from Merseilles, and is super awesome and loves Star Wars and will finish his mission here at the end of May; thus meaning I'm going to be here in the Marquesas for a little while.

Sorry there's not a lot this week, we're a bit pressed for time today (that's what happens when airplanes are late and your airport is 2 hours away and the assistants called you the Saturday before the Monday you leave and you have no members to take you to the airport).

Hoping everyone is well,
Elder Harrah

-went to the dentist's
-hosted a Valentine's Day activity
-got arrested for fighting with my companion

-Swag juice
-Elder Abbate


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