"Swagg Biscuits" or: How I got a German-Spanish Son, a District, and a Temple. (and the Standard of Excellence)--Week 57

(this title brought to you by the minds of Elder Ford and Elder Harrah)
(dialogue coach: Nick Riviera)

This week was pretty hectic.

Monday we had to grab the new Elders from the airport. I didn't get to go (dangit assistants). That being said, the Zone Leaders of Arue and Papeete (my zone leaders, Elledge and Ford), went to the airport to find out that 13 Americans just didn't show up. Ford and Elledge came home with just the two Frenchies and the German-Spanish duder. Luckily we had three beds for them.

Tuesday was rather an adventure, as I got fixed with a French son for one day (Elder Mauclair). He's from Mayotte (an island above Madagascar). Then later in the day, I got the other French son with me as well (Elder Alfred, who's from the same stake as Elder Requillart; for those of you that remember the three days I was with him and Elder Darguence before the Marquesas.). It was funny to see how new they were. Then that night, we got another bed, but also three American newbies (they actually showed up this time) and Elledge's replacement, Elder Hanson. We had six beds for nine people. We got creative. Well, other people did. I slept on the floor.

Wednesday we were still doing transfer stuff and getting Elders Lloyd and Hollowell sent off to their respective islands, and dropping off newbies. Then, that afternoon at 1:00, I got a 2 hour formation that should've been one hour. Maybe. After that, I received my posterity; none other than Elder Heckmann from Heidelberg, Germany. He speaks German, Spanish, perfect English, and fantastic French. So there you go.

Thursday to Sunday we were just working like demons. We worked super hard, did lots of contacting, and we even got the Standard of Excellence! When you're training somebody, the Standard is like 18 lessons, but for our sector it's still just the branch standard of 14. Buuut we got 18 all the same. And our six investigators at sacrament (seven actually) and the fixed baptisms and all the other stuff that was required. It was really quite satisfying. We were the only team in formation that got the Standard of Excellence this week. Also, I've experienced what it's like to be a district leader, and thus far it's not too bad. It's mostly just trying to see to the other teams' needs in zone conference, really. However this is all the calm before the storm I'd say because the temple's going to open this week and people are fixing lessons already. I feel a lot more like I can handle it, but I'm also bracing for impact a little bit.

I'm still happy and well, and am enjoying being with my new companion. I'd say we're a pretty good team thus far, and it's fun to be reminded of what it was like to be a new missionary. I'm also studying more as of late (we'd miss them sometimes with Elder Taurere), and that's got me feeling lots better. I've also found my testimony and my personal conviction and belief really growing in my helping my son out here at the beginning of his mission. It's really awesome, and time is really going by fast. We're at like the end of September just about, and I feel like I just got here five seconds ago.

I hope everyone else is doing well, and I hope things are just going well for everybody. I love you all and encourage everybody to hang on to the Lord this week. Don't pray for huge miracles to just come along and fix all your problems, pray for strength to survive the day, and the moment. Ask for help and courage. I promise you you'll receive the strength you need. I've seen it at basically every hour of every day for the last, at least, 7 or more weeks. Our Heavenly Father will totally help you out.

Until next time,
Elder Harrah

P.S. - still at the geneaology center. The center opens this week though, so this should be the last week of this shenanigans.


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