An Even Kookier Week--Week 40

Ka oha nui from the Marquesas - the land where we sing Secret Prayer like 10 times a week (seriously dude, every sacrament, every family home evening, every everything).

This week was pretty great too! Things are going really splendidly with Elder Davis. We have a lot of fun together, and just do lots of cool things. Something I forgot to mention, is Elder Davis's being on the basketball team! Coco had told President Bize he wanted a missionary who was athletic this last transfer, so Bize sent Davis, and now he is officially on the basketball team. Like, the one that played with Air Tahiti. It's crazy! I wasn't so sure at first, but I frankly just saw the potential that all the practices we do have for finding people and giving us work, so I'm certainly on-board. The only trick now is figuring out just how to properly use it (engaging people to lessons can be a tricky business).

We've also had two new baptism potentials this week. Catherine, an investigator that we've had since Poirier was here, has finally been seeing us again, and actually invited us to her house for breakfast. And basically said yes to baptism. It was a crazy morning! She got hesitant after she said yes though, and expressed some concern about how her family's going to feel, but she's going to pray about it, and we'll see what she says tomorrow. God's answered her prayers before, so I'm really hoping she'll feel his response on this one.

The other big potential is this woman named Elaida. She followed the lessons back when the couple missionaries were here (the Charles), and she has had like all the lessons and seen the Joseph Smith movie and everything, and has always agreed with all the missionaries have taught and it's seemed like logic to her, but she's apparently never once thought to pray about it. She has a REALLY strong relationship with God, and prays about a lot of things, and has a strong testimony in His answering her prayers, but she said she's never thought to ask. She was speechless when she realized this, and thanked us over and over again for helping her realize this, and invited us over for another lesson, with lunch no less. Elder Davis and I have decided that a missionary's success should be measured by how much food they receive (he REALLY likes eating). And if that's the case I wouldn't say we're doing too bad.

Ahuura is still a difficult situation, but I think it's only a matter of time. Tehani just got baptized (yesterday, on Tahiti with Bishop James), so I think things will really start picking up when she comes back from school for the vacation and they start seeing one another more. I think she'll really encourage Ahuura to keep going.

I'd say that's the biggest update I have this week in terms of work. We'll see how it all goes this week. Apart from that, I'm still doing well and am still just enjoying life out here on a mission.

I must say though, I'm not very excited to be leaving the Marquesas. It feels too much like home out here, and I'm not looking forward to the "see you laters" I'll be giving out like candy in (what I fear will be) not a very long time.

Hoping I can stay here next transfer,
Elder Harrah

-I have a confession to make though - I think I really like fafaru now. We had some stronger fafaru at Coco's last Friday (the fish was same-day, but the sauce was like one-week old) with the mitehue (fermented coconut stuffs), lemon, cooked me'i (breadfruit), and these like boiled bananas, and I was all over that. Davis didn't really like it though... (understatement of the year)

-as Davis got on the team, I automatically scored the position of assistant coach (and sit next to Coco during all the games), so we decided to take this silly picture

-these are coconuts. And they are orange. I have now seen everything
-best English translation ever


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