When You Go To See the Inactives Without the Member....--Week 76

Went on a hike to a very cool waterfall. Since it's been raining so much, we actually had a waterfall to go and see. Kind of showed up to somebody else's party though. It was fun situational comedy.

Had a great lesson with one of our fixed baptisms; our DMP's daughter, Vahinehau. Also had a good lesson with Our other two fixed baptisms; Melodie and Narii. They're getting married and baptized on Februry 25.

Every Wednesday night is our sport activity. It's kind of died out recently though. Not a ton of people/investigators come. Most exciting thing was the worldwide missionary broadcast where we sat in (like almost as if we were at the table) with the likes of Elder Oaks and Elder Bednar. They announced a bunch of changes for missionaries. Our schedule is different now (we have more freedom to move stuff around; like we could study at night if we wanted to, planning is in the morning finally, and we get more sleep!), and the church doesn't count lessons anymore! Only people at church and baptisms fixed and new investigators. Pretty nuts.

Super lame day. Started and ended with some good lessons luckily, but we went to try and find some innactives without members and we had the hardest time finding them. Then we had to go to a different lesson where the investigators had a friend over who was just trying to fight us and say she was a prophet and insist that she wasn't trying to fight. She gave us fried fishfterwards...

District meeting at Elder Davis's house. Good time, great formation on his part. Then we had a service project. We went and cut the huge garden of this house that Melodie and Narii are house-sitting. Vahinehau and her family were there too and we all partied together. They made us chow mein afterwards, and then, two hours later we went to our meal for that night and the members made us chow mein.

Dreadful day. We tried to find those innactives again (our zone leaders had engaged us to it and we needed so many innactives to win this month's challenge and we told them we could get 3 (we have a lot of innactives in our sector)), and we killed hours to no avail (we finally found the house and then somebody told us that they moved). All our members were on the mainland for a service project for the floods that we should've gone to (but we had said we'd get those innactives so we stayed. And frankly we kind of found out too late. Super lame.)

Had a Conseil de Paroisse that we had to leave early from to get to lessons (they didn't tell us about it until the day-of), so that wasn't that productive, and then in all of my good intentions when we got to our second lesson (and we sat there diagreeing with a stubborn Adventist couple) we spent too much time there and it made our third lesson push it back until next week. Friggin rookie mistake man. I was just trying so hard to help this couple, but mostly I felt like a huge loser at the end of the day. Really discouraging.

Thank goodness it's pday. I'll tell you guys about what we do next week (I still don't know how this is going down actually).

-Elder Harrah

-at Anne-Marie's baptism. I did her interview. She's 12, and super sweet.

-I vowed I'd never do it...
-this member lady named Soeur Rose makes us delicious breads and firifiri every Saturday!
-Anne-Marie's little sisters


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