How Can You Really?--Week 89

Last week I had like taken notes because I was determined to write a good lengthy email, but then I lost all desire to do that. This week I took no notes and was just lazy. Quel échec (what a fail).

This week was a cookie-cutter of the last ones though. We did all the same stuff. Craziest news is probably about Fetiarava's dad. He engaged himself to be baptized in less than a week. His baptism is fixed for this weekend. We haven't even taught the Word of Wisdom yet! If all goes well, we should be having three baptisms this weekend (one excommunicated, one that we didn't even teach that the couple at Paopao got for us, and then Marcellino), three the next weekend (the couple that was supposed to get married on the 28th and then the guy's little sister), and then two the week after that (another couple who'll get married). Moorea is a baptizing machine.

Oh but we did have a zone conference this last week and that went super well. An old mission president from Australia came and he actually spoke French from his time as a humanitarian dentist and from his mission, so he gave us a formation in French! He talked about the importance of sacrifice, and how in his mission in France, missionaries would like buy crappy cheap junk food so that they could save up enough money to get a Canon DSLR sent from China, and that at one point, he'd saved up enough money to get a camera, but then this one member that he really respected asked him, "Where's the flood?" His pants were up to his knees, his jacket was all wrinkled and he was faced with a serious choice. He ended up going out and getting some tailored suits, and didn't get the camera. He asked us the question, "What sacrifice are you willing to make for the Lord?" It was pretty intense. Definitely a question for all of us. I thoroughly enjoyed the conference. Soeur Bize bore her testimony, and the thoughts she shared were as if she'd pulled them out of my mind. She and I have a super similar perspective sometimes.

My spiritual thought for you people is this:
President Bize shared something in his letter today about how the mission is when we can and when we should change the most in our lives. But for all you people not on a mission, just use the word "today". In the eternal perspective, we're still going to have to progress after this life. It's not just a vacation (much to the chagrin of some). As a result, there's no better moment than right now to get a head start on where you're going to be at in your progression after this life. Keep fighting, keep repenting, and keep laughing with the people you love.

Elder Harrah

-surprising for no one ever

-hymns at our district meeting
-Donadier told me to do the Jim Carrey face. He did it too.

-angelique émbarquage
-kookbags (look at Stewart lol n00b)
-goodbye to Elder Davis's real dad, my friend Elder Garff



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