Lamb and Beans; "Humility is Better Than Wisdom" #Moorea IsTheNewBora--Week 90

This was a crazy week.


-On Tuesday, we watched the Joseph Smith movie with some of our investigators, and I was kind of chuckling to myself and zoning out during the movie (I know it word for word now), but all of a sudden I just got sucked right back into it and was starting to tear up, right at the First Vision. The spirit was so strong. And then later that day, we went to go see this guy that we met on the street that I thought was not really interested and that I didn't think would even be there that day, and we did the first lesson with him. He listened to every word that we said, asked immediately if he could pray to know if what we said was true, and even had the faith to ask us to "say a prayer to heal him". We explained how blessings work, gave him one (150% not me speaking), and then he just cried and hugged us a bunch. Now he's a super potential investigator. Really special experiences. Church is true man.

-Two weeks ago, at the baptism of Fetiarava, Frère Varney challenged her dad to get baptized on the 6th of May; something I found to be a little forward and that I thought he would take the wrong way. Within less than a week we taught all of the lessons and got the baptismal interview done and everything. At the same time, the couple missionaries taught this older couple in our sector (the husband was a former memeber and the wife has just been waiting to get into the church), so we had three baptisms on Saturday. And don't worry the entire stake presidency was there. Frère Varney told the story about Marcellino and told every non-member in the room to get ready. It was super funny. He said a bunch of nice things about my companion and I. And goodness. The spirit was unbelievable. What a crazy moment. Seeing those three baptisms and their faith and all that was just amazing. Church is true dude.

 Elder Harrah

-Brother Sam Yiou was in a wheelchair (he's got some crazy diabetes). Getting him into the baptismal font was a five-man operation.
-our stake president (on the far left) was pulling a super funny face in this picture

-so there's an app called "Sing!" that we were trying out with some of our investigators and it was a pretty fun time

-new ties
-messing around


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