Day 100- Week 15

Hello everyone.

Just had day 100 on the 27th. May I continue to rack those up like nobody's business.

Things have been crazy this week. Things are finally going better with Kevin (his baptism is this Saturday) and we managed to fix another with this 9-year-old girl named Hanaley. Our third, Yvon, fell through though. His parents are rather opposed. Still working on that situation.

This week I did my first split with Elder Smith (and on Day 100 no less). We went and saw this investigator that Elder Paulsen and I have been seeing for a bit, Tamatit, and have been having a bit of trouble with. After like 20 minutes of waiting for him, and him talking to his GF in the other room (who, by the way, is innactive and we don't know for sure but she might be one of his impediments, according to our bishop), he came out and said he didn't want to take the lessons anymore. Of course he still hasn't read or prayed yet, even after weeks of seeing him. What followed was a bit like what happened last week with Lorenza, but the intense, power of God version. Smith was friggin glowing with the Spirit of the Lord. It was like the best French I have ever spoken. It was no nonsense, throwdown, testify hardcore, this dude's salvation's at stake. Elder Smith challenged him to read and pray in the next day (we'd come back and check in two) and he defied him to feel nothing. If that was the case when we came around and checked, we'd never come back. The Spirit was super strong in that room. He was rather stunned. But don't worry when we checked back he still hadn't read. He said he knew it was good and was going to change his life and that he wasn't ready for all that and that he'd call us when he was. We'll see I s'pose.

And to celebrate 100 days I got my second count of Fafaru. Nailed it.

That's all for this week. Faaitoito! (Keep fighting/go with courage/never give up)

-we dressed up a bit
-Rock Forever?


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